The Drainage Work Group's purpose revolves around two overarching points: 1) to foster science-based mutual understanding about drainage topics and issues and 2) to develop consensus recommendations for drainage system management and related water management, including recommendations for updating Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103E Drainage and related provisions.

The stakeholder Drainage Work Group (DWG) was established from an advisory group to BWSR for preparation of the “Public Drainage Ditch Buffer Study, February 2006”. The study advisory group subsequently became the DWG in 2006 to discuss Chapter 103E ditch buffer strip requirements, drainage records modernization, and a range of other drainage related topics. BWSR provides coordination and facilitation for the DWG, in accordance with Section 103B.101, Subd. 13. The DWG has developed several sets of consensus recommendations to update Chapter 103E Drainage law and related provisions, as well as reports to the Legislature and responses to other requests for drainage topic evaluation and recommendations.

DWG - Process Summary

Drainage Work Group (DWG)